

Education in categorization and identification of temporary rivers to fight climate change.

The RIVERTEMP project has a very practical approach and wants to encourage students and teachers to explore the use of satellite images, remote sensing and advanced computer tools for the identification of temporary rivers that will contribute to improve skills digital of all participants.


The project aims to:


  • Design and develop educational activities and training materials focused on Temporary Rivers (TRs).
  • Design and develop open-access, easy-to-use IT tools based on satellite imagery analysis for the identification and categorisation of TRs.
  • Build-up an open-access GIS repository to share TRs mapping over space and time and quantify the dynamics of flow intermittency across river networks.


WP / Project results:


  • Project Management and Implementation.
  • Dissemination and exploitation.
  • Creation of the training curriculum in the domain of temporary rivers.
  • Creation of the e-learning platform and IT tools for the identification and categorisation of TRs.
  • Piloting and final international training activity.